News & Events

RIVAGE PM7 Is Opera Wrocławska’s New Star Performer

Streamed performances have become a routine way of taking the performing arts to audiences on a scale that nobody could have anticipated just 18 months ago. After difficulties with the technical sound production of Opera Wrocławska’s first streamed production, a Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 digital mixing system has changed everything for its audio department.

Yamaha RIVAGE PM Consoles Mix Audi Q4 e-tron Digital World Premiere

Recently Audi revealed its new all-electric Q4 e-tron and Q4 Sportback e-tron vehicles in what the company called a ‘digital world premiere’. It was a complex production, with a total of 45 live streams, each one in three languages, routed to media in 28 different countries. The audio mixing for this high profile launch was entrusted to Yamaha RIVAGE PM digital mixing systems.

Yamaha Reaches New Heights At Major Swiss Climbing Centre

Opened in Spring 2021, Gaswerk Wädenswil is claimed to be one of the largest climbing gyms in the world. Yamaha equipment is making sure that the gym’s background music, announcements and paging - distributed via a redundant Dante network to locations spread across six floors - offer flexible routing and rock steady reliability.

Philharmonie Luxembourg Doubles Its RIVAGE PM Presence

In 2016, Luxembourg City’s Philharmonie Luxembourg became the first European classical concert venue to permanently install a Yamaha RIVAGE PM10 digital mixing system. It proved such a success that, in 2020, it added a RIVAGE PM7.

ACMI partners with Yamaha for The Story of the Moving Image exhibition

When ACMI in Melbourne, Australia commenced works on their $40m upgrade, Yamaha was chosen to provide audio solutions to various parts of the facility including ACMI’s new immersive exhibition – The Story of the Moving Image.

Yamaha CIS Enhances The Visitor Experience At Charles de Gaulle Memorial

The contrast between the volume demands of clubbers and the desire of near neighbours for peace and quiet always makes for a difficult balancing act. At Stockholm’s Underbara, a Yamaha system is providing high quality audio all the way from the front door to the DJ booth, but the neighbours can still enjoy a good night’s sleep.