Mark Caswell



Mark recently retired after a lifetime career of teaching music at Markham District High School, his home school for more than thirty years. He was blessed to spend these many years teaching with his wife and choral director, Dawn, as well as their daughters Faith and Madison who were also actively involved in program. The MDHS music department was home to several concert bands, jazz ensembles, choirs and chamber ensembles, consistently earning Gold awards when attending Nationals at Musicfest Canada. Through his years as Head of Music at MDHS, their senior tour bands have traveled to more than twelve countries across North America and Europe, and in 2016, the MDHS music staff were collectively presented with the YRDSB Teaching Award of Excellence.

Mark is a founding member of the Ontario Band Association, serving as President as well as his continuing role as Festival coordinator for the Provincial Band Festival for more than 20 years. He has also been an active adjudicator, conductor and clinician across the province for many years, and continues to be a member of Phi Beta Mu International Bandmasters Association, the OMEA and the Canadian Band Associations. Mark has also been the recipient of an Honorary Lifetime Membership Award by the Ontario Band Association.

Mark has always had a strong commitment to the development of student leaders within high school music programs and has been a teacher facilitator at the Ontario Education Leadership Centre, published articles, and presented workshops on student leadership at OMEA conferences. As recognition for his years of leadership and volunteer activities, Mark was recently privileged to be presented with the Canadian Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers by The Chancellery of Honours, Rideau Hall, Ottawa.


The Harmony Director HD-300 is one of the specialized educational tools for wind bands.

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Yamaha Brass & Woodwinds Artist

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Shirantha Beddage

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