[Digital Pianos] What kind of the songs are in 50 Popular?
Last Update: 29-5-2020
Target products: CVP-809GP / 809 / 805, CSP-170 / 150
*Depending on the region, some products may not be available.
The songs of 50 Popular are as follows.

In the case of using CSP-170 / 150
- Songs 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6, can be played back without Smart Pianist. You can find how to play back the songs in the Owner’s manual.
- For playback of the other songs, the Smart Pianist app is required.
- You can see the musical score on Smart Pianist only when the Smart device and the instrument are connected.
Keywords for this question
digital pianos, Clavinova, CVP series, CSP series, CVP-805B, CVP-805PE, CVP-809B, CVP-809GP, CVP-809GPWH, CVP-809PE, CVP-809PWH, CSP-150B, CSP-150PE, CSP-150WH, CSP-170B, CSP-170PE, CSP-170WH