Yamaha to Release V4.5 of TF Series, Featuring Audix Mic Presets and More Flexible USB Output Specs for Streaming

February 25, 2021, Shizuoka, Japan
Yamaha releases regular software updates to continue to give sound engineers constant access to high-quality, user-friendly functions. The latest update of the TF Series to Version 4.5 adds Audix mic presets as well as more output routing options for streaming applications.
Audix is a world-renowned manufacturer of popular microphones used in an array of applications, such as live performances and studio recording. The high-quality sound performance and durability of Audix products make them the top choice of many artists and sound engineers. V4.5 of the TF Series adds special presets for Audix’s most famous microphones, including the OM Series. Users need only select the QuickPro Presets library to enjoy remarkably shorter setup times.
“We were so excited to be asked by Yamaha to provide QuickPro Presets for our extensive line of application-specific microphones.” said Steve Johnson, VP of Sales and Marketing of Audix. “At Audix, we believe that less time spent EQing a mic equals more time and attention that can be given to the actual performance. The presets that we co-developed with Yamaha’s R&D team ensure that an audio engineer – regardless of experience level – will be able to go live with little or no time spent at sound check. And, if you do have the luxury of a sound check, that time can be spent further enhancing the presets to the needs of the room, instrument or vocalist.”
“We are very pleased to have had the opportunity to collaborate with Audix,” comments Motome Tanaka, Yamaha Group Manager of the PA Marketing & Sales Group. “The TF Series has built up quite a following in the years since its release. We are confident that all engineers—whether they already work with TF Series mixers or are purchasing them for the first time—will find the new Audix presets to be extremely useful.”
The update also introduces the options of Stereo L/R and Matrix to the signal output to USB TO HOST channels 1 and 2, which was previously fixed. This increases the flexibility of TF Series mixers, particularly for streaming.
Yamaha constantly strives to listen to customers and give them what they need for more responsive, convenient mixing experiences.