[Yamaha Kids Blog Post] One Smiley Monkey joins our Music Education Ambassador Program!

Yamaha Kids Music Education Ambassadors - Meet Our Moms

Over the next 10 months Angela from 
www.onesmileymonkey.com and her preschooler will be participating in Yamaha's music education ambassador program called Yamaha Kids. She and her preschooler will be attending weekly piano classes at a local Yamaha Music Canada school in Downtown Vancouver and we'll get to follow along on her blog!

onesmileymonkey.com "Music is such a fundamental component of human culture and behaviour and I am super thrilled that our son will be experiencing musical education during such an important stage of his childhood..."

Read Angela's first post at www.onesmileymonkey.com



Photo of preschooler playing drums and keyboard

Photo courtesy of: OneSmileyMonkey.com