[Yamaha Kids Blog Post] Dani from Cloudy with a Chance of Wine Figures out the Secret to Success in Music Lessons

Yamaha Kids Music Education Ambassadors - Meet Our Moms

After only a couple classes at the Yamaha Music School with her little girl, a visit from her daughter's favourite pre-school teacher helps Dani from cloudywithachanceofwine.com recognize the secret to a child's success in music class. 

cloudwithachanceofwine.com "...when I asked her if she wished they hadn’t been so focused on her music lessons, she told me she actually appreciates their dedication now that she’s older, because it has made her much more disciplined than her friends, which has helped her in so many aspects of her life..."

Read more at cloudywithachanceofwine.com



Little girl playing a keyboard
Photo courtesy of: cloudwithachanceofwine.com