[Yamaha Kids Blog Post] Cloudy with a Chance of Wine joins our Music Education Ambassador Program!

Yamaha Kids Music Education Ambassadors - Meet Our Moms

Over the next 10 months Dani from 
cloudywithachanceofwine.com and her preschooler will be participating in Yamaha's music education ambassador program called Yamaha Kids. She and her preschooler will be attending weekly piano classes at a local Yamaha Music Canada school in North Toronto and we'll get to follow along on her blog!

cloudwithachanceofwine.com "Wait a minute… Didn’t I tell you?! My daughter and I were accepted into the Yamaha Music School Ambassador Program, and for the next 10 months, we’ll be rocking out at piano lessons together once a week. We’re so stinking excited!"

Read Dani's first post at cloudywithachanceofwine.com



Find out why Dani and her daughter are so excited!

Photo of preschooler fingers playing piano

Photo courtesy of: cloudwithachanceofwine.com