Celebrate the Power of Music Education on Music Monday

Music Monday

Let’s Fill the Skies with Music 

Celebrate the Power of Music Education on Music Monday

Join the nation-wide celebration on May 6, 2013 when music makers of all ages and backgrounds in schools and communities across Canada celebrate the galvanizing power of learning and appreciating music.

We're Music Makes Us: Coalition for Music Education, a national advocacy organization promoting quality music education for all young people since 1993 and the organization behind Music Monday, now in its 9th year.


Be part of the nation-wide simultaneous concert with Commander Hadfield live from the International Space Station.

At the same time across Canada (1 p.m. Eastern), musicians young and old will unite to sing and play the official Music Monday song - I.S.S. (Is Somebody Singing) -written by Commander Hadfield and Ed Robertson of Barenaked Ladies, commissioned by the Coalition for Music Education and CBCMusic.


Tune in to the live webcast of the Showcase Concert brought to us by the Canadian Space Agency that will include a live link via NASA TV with Commander Hadfield on the International Space Station.

Canada! Join in across our great nation to celebrate music education and honour Commander Hadfield by performing I.S.S. (Is Somebody Singing) – the first song premiered in space and on earth.


Find out how you can take part at MusicMonday.ca: