Mike Michalkow


Mike Michalkow

Mike Michalkow started playing drums at the age of 17, and was playing professionally by age 19. He completed the Music Program at Grant MacEwan University at the age of 23, then relocated to Vancouver, BC Canada where he currently resides. Mike's main gig these days is Studio Recording, Drum Clinics/Masterclasses, and teaching at his studio "The Drum Lab"

Mike is featured on the following DVD's "The Moeller Method Secrets", "The Latin Drumming System", "The Jazz Drumming System" , "The Drum Tuning System" and the largest of all The Drumming System (20 DVD's, 15 CD's)

Mike is also the Author of Award Winning Book/CD "The Total Rock Drummer" by Alfred Publishing, it won Best Educational Book in the 2010 Modern Drummer Readers Poll.

Mike Michalkow has been a member of the Yamaha drum team since 1999.