PSR-SX700 Discontinué
Explorez de nouveaux horizons

Les kits d'extension Voice & Style Expansion vous permettent de personnaliser le PSR avec un large choix de contenu additionnel couvrant des styles musicaux du monde entier. Une fois chargé sur le clavier, vous pouvez accéder instantanément à de nouveaux sons et accompagnements authentiques dans le style musical de votre choix.
Utilisez Yamaha Expansion Manager pour personnaliser le contenu de vos divers packs devant être installé, afin d'optimiser l'utilisation de la mémoire intégrée de 400 Mo. Vous pouvez même créer vos propres sonorités à partir de votre bibliothèque d’échantillons.
Expansion Packs for SX700

Thanks to Yamaha's new Voice & Style Expansion Packs for the PSR-SX, players can take advantage of a wide selection of regional, ethnic and traditional Voices and Styles. Load them to your PSR-SX and instantly play authentic sounds, rhythm and backing in the musical style of your choice!
Please use Yamaha Expansion Manager version 2.5.3 (or later) to use Pack Project files.
If you have purchased Voice Style Expansion packs for PSR-S650/S750/S775/S950/S975, you can get the same pack for your new SX-model if available. Please contact Yamaha MusicSoft customer support.
Pre-Installed Expansion Packs for PSR-SX900/SX700
Pre-installed Expansion Contents is the expansion content data pre-installed on the PSR-SX, which is specially provided for playing music suitable in your locale. You can obtain the Pack data from the download link to recover the data once deleted, and also you can bundle the downloded pack with the desired packs together by using the “Yamaha Expansion Manager” software on your computer.
African (Pre-installed Expansion Pack - Yamaha Expansion Manager compatible data)

African pre-installed expansion pack offers 3 new drumkits including authentic, high-quality recordings of professional musicians playing talking drum, in addition to 10 new styles.
Europe (Pre-installed Expansion Pack - Yamaha Expansion Manager compatible data)

The Europe pack covers various genre of traditional music throughout the Europe. Essentials from the 5 Packs Eastern Europe, Western Europe, South East Europe, Balkan, and Colors Of Iberia.
Latin America (Pre-installed Expansion Pack - Yamaha Expansion Manager compatible data)

The pack includes high quality sound of Accordion, Trompeta, Bajo Sexto and Gritos (calls), providing a high level of authenticity. Essentials from the 3 Packs Mexican Banda, Mariachi & Norteno, and Cumbia.
Middle East (Pre-installed Expansion Pack - Yamaha Expansion Manager compatible data)

Middle East pre-installed expansion pack has gathered many content from across the Middle East, including Super Articulation! Nay, Mizmar, Kamancheh and many more.