Conference Room

Conference Room
An Advanced Remote Conferencing Environment
These capabilities are vital in modern offices, financial institutions, medical facilities, and more. The system described here is a good start.
Although remote conferencing is a rapidly growing mode of communication, echoes caused by audio feedback and otherwise impaired intelligibility are still common problems.
Yamaha's highly advanced MRX7-D features an Acoustic Echo Canceller function that effectively suppresses echoes even if speaker output is picked up by microphones in the room, eliminating echoes and dropouts in both directions. Add VXS5 speakers that offer outstanding clarity, and you have a system that achieves excellent intelligibility for smooth, effortless communication. The MRX7-D also includes a Speech Privacy function that feeds a special masking signal to speakers installed in the hallway outside the conference room, making it impossible for outsiders to eavesdrop on the proceedings

Acoustic Echo Canceller: Eliminate remote conferencing echo for maximum intelligibility

Acoustic Echo Canceller: Eliminate remote conferencing echo for maximum intelligibility
In remote conferencing situations speech from the remote location emanating from the local speaker can be picked up by the local microphone and returned to the remote location in addition to the local speech. This type of echo can significantly degrade the intelligibility of the sound heard at the remote location. The Acoustic Echo Canceller effectively suppresses this type of unwanted echo, maximizing clarity and intelligibility. The sound received at the microphone is compared with the sound emanating from the speaker and analyzed. An adaptive filter is employed to subtract the speaker output from the microphone input, preventing the speaker output from being returned as an echo by the microphone. Please note that this function is not designed to eliminate the room’s own acoustic reflections or reverberation.
* The Acoustic Echo Canceller is available in version 2.1 and later.

XMV Series

XMV Series
XMV Series multi-channel power amplifiers combine Class-D efficiency with features designed specifically to benefit commercial installation sound systems.
VXC Series

VXC Series
The VXC Series offers three different woofer sizes, allowing you to choose the speaker that is most suitable for your venue.
VXS Series

VXS Series
The VXS Series lineup features 2 models and 4 variations, allowing you to choose the optimal model for a particular application.