Yamahe est vert au coeur
Yamaha actively works to promote the regional environment by reducing the environmental burden of its business activities, products and services, and effectively using energy and natural resources under the Yamaha Group Environmental Policy.
To maximize the positive impact of our green initiatives we focus our activities in several areas:

Reforestry & Biodiversity Preservation
The Yamaha Forest is a point of pride that embodies our commitment to protecting and preserving forests and biodiversity. The Yamaha Forest sponsors tree-planting activities all over the world. Through this initiative, Yamaha has planted approximately 12,000 trees representing 18 local species by the end of fiscal 2011 and plans to plant around 50,000 trees by the end of fiscal 2014.
For More Information
Yamaha Canada Music is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Yamaha Corporation of Japan and is a member of The Yamaha Group. The Yamaha Group established “Yamaha's Policy on the Environment” in fiscal 1993, and has used this policy as a guide in pursuing its environmental protection activities. Each business office has set its own environmental policies, goals and targets in light of their own business conditions, and engages in specific activities to protect the environment.
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