Get Ready for Overflow
Get Ready for Overflow
By: Sidone
“I’m getting ready to see, something I’ve never seen. I’m getting ready, ready for overflow”
~Tasha Cobbs
Overflow, what does that mean? The Greek translation for the word overflow is “huperekchunnó”, which means “running over”. The worshipping experience is one that leaves you “running over” —or in better terms, consumed by the wonderful presence of God. As you remove all distractions and tune into that very moment, God’s love and power begins to surround you and transform the atmosphere. Even to describe what that feels like is too vast to capture into words.
The purpose of every follower of Christ is to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). God meets those who are hungry and desperate for Him in the overflow of Worship, and challenges hearts to open and prepare to receive Him.
When moving with the Overflow, hearts must be ready to let go of all distractions and personal desires. Once the mind is submitted, hunger stirs up. Being hungry for God can create room for blessings to be poured out, similar to the biblical story of Hezekiah, who was so hungry for God that He added more years unto his life.
Worship in confidence, and dance like David danced to the sound of musical instruments. Worship from a deep understanding that the magnitude of God cannot be comprehended, and take comfort in knowing that He is pleased with all forms of praise. Eyes have not seen, and ears have not heard all at He will do in moments created just for Him. Get ready for overflow.
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